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God's Love and Hate

Beyond Human Notions: God's Just Hate

May 20, 20235 min read

The Depth of Divine Love and the Righteousness of God's Hate

In the realm of human experience, love and hate are often defined by fleeting emotions and subjective preferences. However, when we gaze upon the divine nature of God, we discover a love and hate that transcend human understanding. Rooted in His perfect character and driven by His desire for what is best for us, God's love is sacrificial, selfless, and far beyond our comprehension. Conversely, His hate is not a mere emotional response but a righteous anger that burns against sin and evil, fueled by His holiness and His unwavering commitment to His creation.

1. The Profound Nature of God's Love:

God's love is not sentimental or rooted in fleeting emotions. It flows from His very essence and finds its ultimate expression in the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross (John 3:16; Romans 5:8). This divine love surpasses human comprehension, for it seeks to rescue us from the consequences of sin and restore us into a right relationship with God (Ephesians 2:4-5). It is a love that selflessly pursues what is best for us, even when we fail to recognize it or comprehend its depths (1 John 4:9-10).

Our human understanding of love is often limited and influenced by worldly perspectives. We may mistake God's loving discipline or the presence of difficult circumstances as signs of His hatred or punishment. However, God's love is working for our good, drawing us closer to Him and shaping us into the image of His Son (Hebrews 12:5-11; Romans 8:28-29). To fully grasp the richness of God's love, we must let go of our preconceived notions and open ourselves to His divine wisdom and guidance.

2. The Righteousness of God's Hate:

God's hate is not to be confused with human vindictiveness or petty emotions. It stems from His perfect holiness and righteous character. Sin and evil stand in opposition to God's nature and His divine purposes for creation. His hate, therefore, is a righteous anger that burns against everything that threatens His holiness and His redemptive plan (Psalm 5:4-6; Psalm 97:10; Romans 1:18).

While the concept of God's hate may be unsettling, it is vital to understand its theological significance. God's hatred of sin and evil is not arbitrary but serves as a necessary response to uphold justice and restore righteousness. It demonstrates His unwavering commitment to truth and His refusal to tolerate that which opposes His divine nature (Psalm 45:7; Proverbs 6:16-19).

3. The Paradox of Love and Hate in God's Character:

Understanding the paradox of God's love and hate requires a deeper recognition of His multifaceted character. God's love and hate are not contradictory but complementary expressions of His holiness and righteousness. His love compels Him to rescue us from the consequences of sin, while His hate fuels His righteous anger against the very sin that separates us from Him (Romans 1:18-19; Ephesians 2:1-5).

The ultimate display of this divine paradox can be witnessed in the cross of Christ. The cross reveals the immense love of God, as Jesus willingly sacrificed Himself to atone for our sins (Romans 5:6-11). Simultaneously, the cross also demonstrates the severity of God's hatred towards sin, for it required the unimaginable suffering and death of His Son (Galatians 3:13; 2 Corinthians 5:21).

In biblical critical theory, Christopher Watkin introduces the concept of "Diagonals" as a way to understand the complex and seemingly contradictory aspects of God's character, such as love and hate. Diagonals suggest that there are two dimensions or trajectories within God's nature that intersect and harmonize in a way that defies human comprehension.

When we apply this concept to the dichotomy of God's love and hate, we can envision two boxes that represent these attributes. The first box represents God's perfect love, characterized by sacrificial selflessness and a desire for what is best for humanity. This dimension reveals itself through God's redemptive acts, culminating in Jesus' death on the cross as the ultimate expression of divine love.

The second box represents God's righteous hate, burning against sin and evil. This dimension emerges from God's holiness and His unwavering commitment to justice. It is a response to anything that opposes His divine nature and purposes. This box operates within the framework of God's perfect love, ensuring that sin and evil do not go unchecked, while also offering the possibility of redemption and restoration.

The diagonal creates an intersection of these two traits, and this is where the profound mystery lies. In God's divine wisdom, love and hate coexist and harmonize without compromising His character. His love does not overlook sin or condone wrongdoing, and His hate does not negate His desire for humanity's redemption. Instead, these attributes intersect and work together to fulfill God's ultimate plan of salvation and restoration.

Through this lens, we can grasp the theological depth and paradoxical nature of God's love and hate. It enables us to recognize that God's love is not sentimentality but a sacrificial, selfless love that seeks our redemption. Simultaneously, His hatred is not rooted in human vindictiveness but in His holiness and desire for justice.

Embracing the concept of a diagonal invites us to approach the understanding of God's love and hate with humility and awe. It reminds us that our human comprehension is limited, and there are aspects of God's character that transcend our understanding. As we grapple with these concepts, we are invited to trust in God's wisdom and surrender to His divine plan, knowing that His love and hate are perfectly balanced within His nature.


In our pursuit of understanding God's love and hate, we must transcend human notions and embrace a deeper spiritual comprehension. God's love surpasses sentimentality and self-interest, offering us redemption and restoration. His hate, though often misunderstood, is a righteous response against sin and evil, grounded in His unwavering commitment to holiness and justice.

As we grasp the profound depth of God's love and the theological significance of His hate, we are beckoned to worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). We are called to align our hearts and minds with His divine nature and embrace the transformative power of His love. Through this journey, we can begin to comprehend, albeit dimly, the immeasurable depths of God's perfect love and His righteous hatred for all that opposes His holiness.

William Hamilton

I am a humble follower of Jesus Christ, dedicated to sharing the truth of the gospel. As a writer and seeker of knowledge, I am continually learning and growing in my faith. With a passion for deep theological understanding and a heart for apologetics, I strive to articulate the message of God's love and grace with clarity and humility. Through my website, I aim to provide thoughtful and edifying content, offering insights into biblical truths, cultural issues, and the relevance of Christianity in today's world. My desire is to glorify God, make disciples, and point others to the life-transforming power of Jesus Christ.

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